Welcome to the Washington Region Blog! In an effort to reduce the number of emails sent from the region, the blog will be updated on a weekly basis. You will receive an email reminder every week to come and check out the blog.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Apportionment Information

For those churches that sent in a dispute form for the 2012 apportionments, the BWC Finance Team will be responding to your dispute request during the first week of September. The pastor and treasurer will be copied on the email.

Personal/Office Safety Seminar
You are invited to attend the Personal/Office Safety Seminar hosted by the Baltimore-Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church on Thursday, August 25, 2011 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the BWC Mission Center. This seminar will cover office, church and personal safety. A local county police officer and the local fire department will be present to discuss:
• Your personal safety
• The prevention of office theft and robberies.
• Office and elevator safety
• Parking lot/Garage safety
• Identity Theft
• Fire Prevention
• And other useful information

Register Today! http://www.bwcumc.org/events/safetyseminars
The cost is free!
BWC Mission Center Address: 11711 East Market Place, Fulton, MD 20759

Gateway Training
Registration for our Gateway Trainings is now up and running. Please go to http://www.bwcumc.org/gateway/gatewaytraining to register. Registration is free but required since many of our trainings are limited due to space constraints. For most of our trainings we will be offering them at multiple locations and multiple times. You can select which location and time work best for you.

Charge Conference Forms Online
Charge Conference forms are now available online. You will need to log into Gateway to access the forms. Sample forms can be found at http://www.bwcumc.org/gateway/chargeconferencemain.

Evan Young Installation Service
An offering will be collected at Evan Young’s Installation Service to benefit homeless efforts in the Greater Washington District. The service will be held on Sunday, September 18, 2011 at 3 p.m. at Colesville UMC. If you plan on attending, please send your RSVP to washregion@bwcumc.org.

Charge Conference InformationThe locations for all of the Cluster Charge Conferences have been confirmed. Please check out the locations at http://www.bwcumc.org/sites/default/files/pdf/WashRegionChgConf2011.pdf.

Please note that charge conferences being held the weekend of October 8-9, 2011, are invited to celebrate World Mission Day at the host church. The host churches will be collecting non-perishable food items to use for their mission work with local food pantries, shelters, etc. Please try and bring a donation so you can be counted as one of 15,000 in mission that weekend.

Host churches will be providing drinks during the cluster conferences; we are asking that each church attending a cluster conference bring a small dessert to share with other churches.

Not Your Parent’s Offering Plate with author J. Clif Christopher
Presented by: Northeast Jurisdiction Vision Table and The Mid-Atlantic United Methodist Foundation, 800-828-9093. Popular Stewardship Author Dr. J. Clif Christopher will be coming to Wilmington, DE, and conducting a workshop related to his book “Not Your Parent’s Offering Plate” on Wednesday September 14, 2012 at Simpson United Methodist Church in Wilmington Delaware.

The workshop is being underwritten by a grant from The Mid-Atlantic United Methodist Foundation and the Northeast Jurisdiction UMC Vision Team.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Lunch and materials are included in the $25 per person registration fee.
Simpson United Methodist Church, 907 Centerville Road, Wilmington, DE 19804-2633; (302) 998-4222.

REGISTER NOW ONLINE: https://epaumc.smartevents.com/public/events/not-your-parents-offering-plate

“Dr. Christopher is a very popular speaker and generous teacher. Both his books “Not Your Parent’s Offering Plate” and “Who’s Offering Plate Is It” have become important instructional guides for any church developing a comprehensive and effective stewardship program” said Jack Brooks, Executive Director of the Mid-Atlantic United Methodist Foundation. “With his busy schedule, we are delighted with the opportunity for Clif to come to the Mid-Atlantic Region and address our area’s United Methodist Leadership, Clergy, and Stewardship Teams.”

In addition to this workshop, Dr. Christopher will be a guest speaker at the National Association of United Methodist Foundations Annual Conference in Philadelphia the following day and will be a speaker at the National Association of United Methodist Treasurers the following week. A free copy of the book “Not Your Parent’s Offering Plate” will be given to the first 25 churches that register. Registration is limited to 150 people. Registration can be completed online at: www.midatlanticfoundation.org .

For more information contact the foundation at 484-762-8211. About the Foundation: The Mid-Atlantic United Methodist Foundation provides Stewardship and Investment Services for churches and agencies in the Eastern Pennsylvania, Peninsula, and Baltimore Washington Annual Conferences of The United Methodist Church. https://epaumc.smartevents.com/public/events/not-your-parents-offering-plate

Citizenship Class Information Needed
Chevy Chase UMC is interested in hosting citizenship classes at their church and are looking for information from other churches who have already hosted this class. If you have information that you can offer, please contact Judy Smith at Smarmayor@aol.com.

Call to Action Vital Signs
Just a reminder that you can get your church vital signs at www.umcvitalcongregations.org.

EPWORTH CHAPEL, School of Christian Life and Learning presents:
The Christian’s Career Journey
Saturday, September 10, 2011 and Saturday, September 17, 2011

Finding a new job can be an overwhelming experience. Instead of becoming flustered and losing hope, many job seekers find comfort in knowing God has a plan and a purpose for their life and career. Not only does this course reveal the seven-step process to discovering the Master F.I.T. for one’s career, it offers Christ-Centered coaching exercises and spirit-inspired “pocket prayers” for power and peace every step of the journey. Also, the course offers the Myers Briggs Assessment (MBTI) to help the participants explore their personality type with their career matching. The course helps Christians discover the new definition of a J.O.B. – a Journey of Becoming!

Your $50.00 registration includes both sessions, textbook and Myers Briggs exam.
For information and registration, please contact the
Epworth Chapel office: 410-944-1070
Enroll Now! Class is limited to the first 15 registrants!

Rev. Dr. C. Anthony Hunt, Pastor
Dr. Clayton C. Stansbury, President
3317 St. Lukes Lane
Baltimore, Maryland 21207
Church Office: 410-944-1070

OCTOBER 8-10, 2011 – Change The World Mission Day
Imagine 15,000 United Methodists all working together in mission in their communities. The Change the World Mission Day will celebrate the spirit of United Methodism, a faith built on social action. Congregations will be encouraged to move outside the walls of their local churches to serve in their communities.

Check the website below to:
• Register your church or group;
• Download lots of resources - sermon series, study tools for Youth & Young Adults, a Children's supplement, flyers, & tips for promoting your event;
• Download promotional videos; and,
• Connect with others on the event’s Facebook page.

For more information contact Olivia Gross at ogross@bwcumc.org

Imagine 15,000 United Methodists Working Together to Make Positive Changes in their Communities. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10

The Change the World Mission Work Day of the Baltimore-Washington Conference on October 8-10, will celebrate the spirit of United Methodism, a faith built on social action. We invite you and your congregation to move outside the walls of your local churches to serve in your communities.

Join us, and be one of 15,000, all lending hands and hearts to change the world by registering your church or organization at www.bwcumc.org/events/changetheworld. For more information on this event, please contact Olivia Gross at ogross@bwcumc.org.

Donations Accepted at Conference Mission Center
Stopping by the Conference Mission Center in the coming weeks for a training, event or meeting? We welcome you to bring donations of non-perishable food and personal items (toothbrushes, diapers, shampoo, etc) to be contributed to the Mission Center Change the World Food Drive event on October 8. All donations to the drive will benefit local pantries and agencies in need. Please leave donations with the front desk staff.

Please pray for…
… David Hodsdon’s father, David Hodsdon. He is in the hospital near his home in Maine where heart issues have led to a stent procedure yesterday. David is there with him now and we keep him in our prayers as well. His father is in good spirits. David is pastor at the Hyattstown-Clarksburg Charge.

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